Whiteside County Airport, Joseph Bittorf Field, has been named the 2016 Illinois General Aviation Airport of the Year, by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Division of Aeronautics. The award was based on the airport’s safety record, general maintenance, and services provided to the community.
The Whiteside County Airport’s longest runway is 6500 feet which is a longer available landing distance than Chicago-Midway Airport. The airport provides sites for several organizations, like the Unified Area Command Site (nuclear emergency response) and the Civil Air Patrol Emergency Response Command. The airport also serves as a staging site for the Illinois National Guard.
Whiteside County Board President Jim Duffy also congratulated the airport on its award, and stated, “This is a great example of the assets we have in Whiteside County. We have the people, location, and infrastructure here, but need to work on our ‘market awareness.’ An award like this is a good way to start spotlighting our strengths and assets. Well done, Whiteside County Airport!”
For more information about Whiteside County, contact the Whiteside County Economic Development Department at gcamarano@whiteside.org. For information about the Whiteside County Airport contact mike@mmaviation.net.