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    Morrison to Hold Business Contest

    The Morrison Area Development Corporation (MADC) is continuing the work they began last fall with working more closely with local businesses and trying to help business locate in Morrison. The group is hosting a contest for entrepreneurs and business owners. The “What’s Your Big Idea” contest will end next February and is formatted along the ideas of the popular television show “Shark Tank.”


    The organization has teamed up with the Center for Small Business at Sauk Valley Community College.  Individuals will have opportunities to meet with local business experts and help further develop their idea and concept at no charge.  The contest will take place in February so individuals interested have time to fully develop ideas and work with local experts giving them the best chance possible to either start or expand their existing business.


    A caveat of the competition…the business starts in Morrison.  “The Board of Directors is very excited about the influence this competition can have on our local business climate, said Jerry Lindsey President of the MADC Board.”  He further stated, “This program is modeled after others in the area and we attempted it last year, but most businesses that contacted us were too early in the process. This year we have a better idea of what we are looking for and with the opening of Sauk’s Center for Small Business Development it is a great time to partner and help provide much needed consulting services.


    The winner of the contest will receive a $2500 cash and in-kind prizes made possible by the Morrison Area Development Corporation and additional sponsors of the What’s Your Big Idea contest.  Anyone interested in participating should contact the Morrison Area Development Corporation at director@morrisonareadevelopment.com or call 815-600-6267.


    The Morrison Area Development Corporation is starting to sign up individuals and businesses now to participate and the actual contest will take place in February. For more information on the contest, to sign up to participate, to donate toward the prize package or MADC Development efforts please call 815-600-6267.